AmigaActive (1312/2143)

From:Ian C Fyvie
Date:18 May 2000 at 21:44:54
Subject:Re: F1 Licenseware.

Hello Michael

On 18-May-00, you wrote:

> Does anyone know where I can get hold of old F1 licensware titles?
> Anyhelp greatly appreciated.

F1 was taken over by "Mushroom PD" and they moved to the USA. I am not sure
if they have a UK supplier or not! The last I heard they were hopeful of
fixing one up.

Try emailing "Andy Kellet" (owner) at:

< >

Hope this helps :)


Ian c Fyvie Co-Editor of the RIPPER Magazine
<Member of G.A.U.G>
Glasgow Amiga User Group
UIN 53676250
(o o) The Ferret

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